Sunday, July 24, 2005
That's Hot
The current temperature in Hattiesburg, Mississippi at 5 PM on this most punishing of Sunday evenings is 95 degrees Fahrenheit with the humidity at 50%. According to our local NBC affiliate, WDAM, this means the temperature outside actually feels more like 106 degrees Fahrenheit. I’m told that the high today was 98 degrees Fahrenheit…I’ll let you factor in humidity for yourself. Fortunately, a cold front is moving in as temperatures are expected to dip into the perilously low 90s by Thursday and Friday.
Mark and I left for our projected long run of 16 this morning at 8:10 AM and already the pavement was heating up. We rolled through the first 6.5 at a comfortable jaunt and I thought perhaps we’d escape unscathed. However, with temperatures already hovering around 85 degrees and the humidity at 70%, this proved to be overly optimistic. Around mile 7, I noticed Mark’s pace had slowed dramatically and asked how he was feeling. He assured me the run was going well, but figured shortening his run to 15 would prove beneficial. I agreed and said I would continue on to mile 8, the projected turnaround point, and try running him down a couple miles later. When I left him, I dropped the pace considerable and noticed that my muscles were beginning to fatigue more rapidly than would be considered normal for a 16 mile run.
Of course, the story wouldn’t be my own if there wasn’t an element of personal stupidity involved and sure enough, there is. I hadn’t brought a water bottle with and had avoided drinking from the two fountains along the trail because of past stomach problems that I attribute to the very fountains in question. Unfortunately, on today’s run, this led to dehydration “issues.” Any aspirations I had previously considered for time goals went out the window as I resorted to the patented “survival shuffle” with the aim of returning home safely. At present, I am giving some thought to purchasing a scale for future runs so as to tack a total weight loss number onto posts and e-mails for added effect.
In case anyone is concerned, I can assure you I am on the road to recovery as I have peed on two separate occasions…all is well that ends well I suppose. On that note, off I go to make it a third!
Mark and I left for our projected long run of 16 this morning at 8:10 AM and already the pavement was heating up. We rolled through the first 6.5 at a comfortable jaunt and I thought perhaps we’d escape unscathed. However, with temperatures already hovering around 85 degrees and the humidity at 70%, this proved to be overly optimistic. Around mile 7, I noticed Mark’s pace had slowed dramatically and asked how he was feeling. He assured me the run was going well, but figured shortening his run to 15 would prove beneficial. I agreed and said I would continue on to mile 8, the projected turnaround point, and try running him down a couple miles later. When I left him, I dropped the pace considerable and noticed that my muscles were beginning to fatigue more rapidly than would be considered normal for a 16 mile run.
Of course, the story wouldn’t be my own if there wasn’t an element of personal stupidity involved and sure enough, there is. I hadn’t brought a water bottle with and had avoided drinking from the two fountains along the trail because of past stomach problems that I attribute to the very fountains in question. Unfortunately, on today’s run, this led to dehydration “issues.” Any aspirations I had previously considered for time goals went out the window as I resorted to the patented “survival shuffle” with the aim of returning home safely. At present, I am giving some thought to purchasing a scale for future runs so as to tack a total weight loss number onto posts and e-mails for added effect.
In case anyone is concerned, I can assure you I am on the road to recovery as I have peed on two separate occasions…all is well that ends well I suppose. On that note, off I go to make it a third!