Thursday, June 09, 2005

And The Clock Keeps Runnin' Runnin'

I am now officially one quarter century old. True indeed, the clock does keep runnin' runnin' & runnin' runnin'. My birthday passed uneventfully on Monday the 6th of June and I failed to remember the significance of the date until one of my students asked how old I was. I began to tell her I was 24, then realized it was my birthday and revealed to her that I had forgotten until she asked her question. Well, the woman next to her found this utterly hilarious and before I realized what was happening, the entire class knew I had forgotten my birthday. My forgetfulness, at least in this instance, turned out to be a blessing in disguise as I was then able to attribute the giggling to that and not my youthfulness. A handful of my students have already pointed out that I am young enough to be their children.

Speaking of clocks and running, I've taken to the roads again. A peer of mine, Mark, approached me at the end of the spring semester with questions about training for the New York City marathon. I gladly agreed to draft him a training program on one condition, he allow me to train with him. Fortunately, he assented and we've been running together ever since.

It has been several months since my ill-fated ankle incident, but therapeutic gains were meager through the first six months. I wasn't able to run a step until last October and while I haven't maintained my running journal as dutifully as I once did, a quick glance the other evening revealed that I have come a long ways from 10 minutes every other day. Mark and I are regularily running 45 minutes now and we even managed two epic ten-milers. I am looking forward to the months ahead and intend to race once or twice this fall just to get the competitive juices flowing again.

Happy Birthday, Jude!

Secret admirer in Brooklyn Center, MN
Thank you kindly!
Hey jude, I just wanted to say happy birthday to you. Keep away from that antipersperant and aluminum cookware: early-onset Alzheimer's ain't funny.
And thank you too, Pete Dillon! Say, how is your bike trip progressing? Give me a call if you still have your cell phone...I know the road can sometimes be a lonely place and it might be a good way to pass the time. Or, if you are without phone, feel free answer here.
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