Thursday, March 08, 2007

Catching up...

February & March - In review:

I successfully defended my master's thesis two weeks ago. This was both a relief and joy. Although I did find my research interesting and even enjoyable at times, I am ready to start afresh with a new project.

Spring break begins next Monday (3/12/07) and I'm looking forward to my time away from classes and clients. As most know, I am currently taking the last class of my graduate career (Child Behavior Therapy) and will be pleased to have this chapter of my education behind me when the semester ends in mid-May. My third year of graduate school feels very foreign to me as the years leading up to it have largely been devoid of any milestones and now, there are so many within reach. I anticipate officially having my master's degree in May after I submit a reformatted copy of my thesis to the graduate reader & will be taking our department's comprehensive exam on June 1st. This exam is exceptionally daunting as it covers all materials taught over the previous 3 years and if I am fortunate enough to survive this, I will go on to apply for internships in the fall (the fall of my4th year).

This summer, I will be presenting a paper I co-authored at the American Psychological Association's national conference in San Francisco, CA. We are also hoping to publish the paper sometime this summer or early next fall. As for my thesis, I aim to submit this for publication sometime this summer and will likely present it at a conference around then as well. Performing research and publishing studies has never been a goal of mine and I still don't anticipate doing much research once I have finished my graduate career, but I do understand how the process becomes addicting for some.

Working with clients (on-campus & off) has been rewarding and is finally beginning to become easier. Obviously I cannot comment much on the content of our sessions, but I am seeing most of my clients make therapeutic gains. This pleases me greatly.

hey did you get my email the other day? i'm not sure i have the right email address??? sorry again for the late night drunk dialing. fun for us, not fun for you...!!!!
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