Thursday, May 22, 2008

Fun with numbers

As most who read this site already know, I work 20 hours per week in a Pain Management Clinic. My commute to work is 6 miles each way and I’m expected to be there 4 days per week. Roughly once per week I’ll drive to the Pain Clinic due to inclement weather. On the 5th day of each week I bike 1.5 miles each way to the university library where I park my bike. On the weekends I typically bike to and from school twice: once to play basketball on Saturdays & once to finish schoolwork on Sundays. If my math is correct, this adds up to 45 miles of biking per week. With 52 weeks in the year (I’m ignoring holidays because I usually work then anyway), that comes out to 2340 miles of biking per year. Of course, that excludes any biking Michelle and I might do for enjoyment, but that’s OK for what I’m about to do.

At $3.00 per gallon (an average for the price of gasoline during the past 12 months that I’ve somewhat arbitrarily pulled from my ass), let’s figure out how much cash we’ve saved during the past year. According to this fuel economy website, our 1995 Honda Accord gets 21 miles per gallon while driving about the city.

Numbers crunching…head hurting.

And here we have it, Michelle and I saved a grand total of $334.29 on gasoline during the last year. What? That’s terrible.

Good thing saving money isn’t the only reason we bike!

$3 a gallon?!? That is so last year! :-) Yeah...I would have thought you would have saved more than that. hmm.
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