Thursday, May 15, 2008
Let's catch up.
Three weeks ago Michelle and I ventured north for the Country Music half-marathon in Nashville, TN. This was the first time we had visited Nashville and we were joined by two of our closest friends here in Hattiesburg. Here are a few highlights from the weekend.
On a hilly course, and with little training, I finished my first half-marathon (1:31) and Michelle kicked some serious ass in her second half-marathon (1:46). Having not put that much in, I didn't expecting much in return and, truthfully, was pretty happy to have averaged less than 7 minutes per mile. It's a far cry from what used to be, but I enjoyed myself just the same.
The race featured 20,000+ runners and stands as one of the largest half-marathons in the country. With that many runners, the lines for the port-a-potties were absurdly long and, like many other runners, Michelle needed to use the bathroom just 20 minutes before the start. Being the dutiful husband that I am, I decided to wait nearby so we could check our gear together. Fifteen minutes later, it became obvious that we would miss the start if she continued waiting in line. Spotting several bushes close by, she raced over and squatted down. There were other runners peeing there as well, but one woman stood out from the others. This woman had arrived at the bushes with several friends, but instead of peeing at the outer edge where everyone else what located, she decided to work her way deep inside the thicket. Moments later it became painfully obvious what she was doing when, as Michelle described it, "the most horrific stench" wafted its way to the other runners. Meanwhile, what began as good-natured ribbing gradually turned into abject horror when this young woman's friends caught wind of the nauseating stench. One friend even vomited as she exited the bushes. Pretty funny stuff really.
On a hilly course, and with little training, I finished my first half-marathon (1:31) and Michelle kicked some serious ass in her second half-marathon (1:46). Having not put that much in, I didn't expecting much in return and, truthfully, was pretty happy to have averaged less than 7 minutes per mile. It's a far cry from what used to be, but I enjoyed myself just the same.
The race featured 20,000+ runners and stands as one of the largest half-marathons in the country. With that many runners, the lines for the port-a-potties were absurdly long and, like many other runners, Michelle needed to use the bathroom just 20 minutes before the start. Being the dutiful husband that I am, I decided to wait nearby so we could check our gear together. Fifteen minutes later, it became obvious that we would miss the start if she continued waiting in line. Spotting several bushes close by, she raced over and squatted down. There were other runners peeing there as well, but one woman stood out from the others. This woman had arrived at the bushes with several friends, but instead of peeing at the outer edge where everyone else what located, she decided to work her way deep inside the thicket. Moments later it became painfully obvious what she was doing when, as Michelle described it, "the most horrific stench" wafted its way to the other runners. Meanwhile, what began as good-natured ribbing gradually turned into abject horror when this young woman's friends caught wind of the nauseating stench. One friend even vomited as she exited the bushes. Pretty funny stuff really.